Infection Control Course for Cleaning and Housekeeping teaches students the skills and knowledge required to comply with infection control policies and procedures in a cleaning or housekeeping setting.
All procedures must be carried out in accordance with current infection control guidelines, Australian and New Zealand Standards for maintaining infection control and the policies and procedures of the organisation you are working for.
This course covers the importance of complying with an effective infection control strategy that ensures the safety of the client (or end-user of health-related products/services), maintains personal protection and prevents the transmission (spread) of infections from person to person.
This course includes seven (7) sections:
Section 1 – Microbes and infections
Section 2 – Infection control practices
Section 3 – Maintain personal hygiene
Section 4 – Limit Contamination
Section 5 – Clean environmental surfaces
Section 6 – Handle and dispose of clinical and other waste
Section 7 – Maintain and store cleaning equipment
This course covers knowledge content for the following competency unit(s):
HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
*Completing this non-accredited course can be used to support Recognition of Prior Learning in the listed competency unit(s).